
Is there any truth behind the conspiracy theories of 9/11?

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Is there any truth behind the conspiracy theories of 9/11?




  1. how can anyone tell, they lie about everything,


  2. There is not a single shred of evidence to back up these stupid claims Its just a case of a few so called clever ***** trying to prove something that never happened.

  3. I personally don't think there is.  It's all way too hard to believe.  I personally have a really difficult time that our government would be behind that.  But, I guess to answer your question there technically is very very little truth to those conspiracies, because all conspiracy theories are based very loosely on facts.  

  4. 6 Debunked 9/11 Conspiracy Claims From Today's NIST Report

    By Arianne Cohen

    Published on: August 21, 2008  

  5. if there was dont you think something would have been done about it??

  6. So far the only 'truth' I have seen in ANY of their theories is the date that they claim the planes hit.

  7. Does it make sense to think that a man whose lips move when he reads could pull off the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in history?  

  8. Probably

  9. Unfortunately yes there is truth to consipracy in terms of the collapes of the towers.  Professor Steven E Jones of BYU did a study on the towers and came to only one possible conclusion - controlled demolition - which would indicate a possible inside job.  

    This website has his study - experts including popular mechanics can not disprove it and controlled demolition experts also back him.

    You might also want to take a look at to see what other professionals are saying.

    Its a shame that this subject started out as a consirasy theory - but parts of it are true and the bush administration is publicly covering a lot if it up.  Do some research.  It will make you sick what you find.

  10. Like any good conspiracy theory, this one takes a lot of random facts and attempts to force them into a preconceived conclusion.

    So, you may find the individual pieces to be factual, but not add up to the claimed whole.

    But there are also outright misstatements of facts out there too, attempting to support the theories.

    I don't quite believe everything the government had to say about 9/11 either, but I'm more inclined to believe that someone other than our own government brought down the towers.

  11. Yes all the conspiracy theories are true.Did you hear the one about the flying saucers that flew into the twin towers?

  12. conspiracy theories of 9/11 aren't true... there wouldn't be any conspiracy if 9/11 didn't happen...

  13. There is only one "conspiracy theory" I am aware of surrounding the events of 9/11. It's commonly known as "The Official Explanation." It involves 19 magical cave-dwellers conspiring to mastermind a kamikaze air attack on the financial and military centers of the world, an attack which struck 3 out of 4 targets against history's most sophisticated air defense force, and suspended all known laws of physics MULTIPLE TIMES in a single morning. It caused 3 steel structures to collapse, but not the same 3 that were hit, you say? All with nothing more than boxcutters, you say? Sorry, I don't believe in wizards, so I ain't buying that tale.

    Groups like simply pose questions and present evidence. They don't have "theories," because they're still waiting for ANSWERS!

    All you misled neocons and neolibs and disinfo personnel can stop trying to put words in their mouths, because even the MSM's own polls show you aren't fooling people anymore.

    No one ever said Bush masterminded it, for example, so you can retire that line. But some still dismiss ALL of the (several hundred) legitimate questions without a second thought, entirely on the grounds that Bush is an idiot, without ever considering that maybe he's just a puppet. That's a defense mechanism, kids. A rationalization for not wanting to know the truth.

    Unless, of course, you are KNOWINGLY lying, which makes you quite despicable.

    How on earth can you watch the footage of WTC7 collapsing and NOT have questions? Denial. And there's no point in explaining facts to those poor 16% who are still in denial. They just need to take time to deal with it.

    After all... in order to be in denial... one must know enough... to not want to know the rest.

  14. In my humble opinion, no, there is no truth to the conspiracy theories regarding 9/11.

  15. How  about the CONSPIRACY THEORY

    that 19 Radical Suicidal Arabs hijack 4 commercial airliners and crash 3 of them into buildings.


    and remember

    to quote the "commander in chief"

    " Let us NOT tollerate any outragious conspiracy theories" !

  16. whoa, all the TC's are loving this question!

    I think some of the theories are a bit ridiculous.  However i believe some of them are based on truth.  The fact is that there are a lot of questions that have not been answered.  and until they are there will always be theories.    

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