
Is there any truth in the story that AFL umpires will dress in........?

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............monkey suits this coming AFL season?

I heard where they were a bit fed up with looking like birds.....e.g. Robins (while dressed in their red outfits); Canaries (yellow); Budgies (green) and so on...............

Now they want to wear monkey suits so that they can relate better with the players! Is this true? Have you heard this story?

Me, personally, I would like to see them in pink and grey.......then they could be referred to as galahs!!!!!!

What do you think?




  1. Yes.

    That would be the appropriate costume for all involved to wear.

  2. ha ha, quite funny, um i dont think its true but anything would be better than some of the stuff they wear.

  3. Bad on you mate. A true Aussie in Pink? get outa here pal

  4. Yes. I heard that as well. It is true.

    I read it in Volume 1, Episode 3 of the Melbourne Zoological Bulletin Times Weekly Magazine, dated 25/12/2007.

  5. Yes. A true story. I heard it straight from the horses mouth.

    Though, I believe, some umpires will be able to get away with it without actually wearing a monkey suit!

  6. After all the call for more use of cameras and snicko etc for cricket, maybe we should get Bender from Futurama to umpire.

    The problem with AFLis that the game is so quick and explosive it is difficult for the umpires to keep up with the play. In the rugby codes the referee could sit in the grandstand (as long as he could stay awake) and make decisions cause its like watching an U/6 game of soccer. You must have seen them- 20 players around the ball with the two goalies standing out on their own.

  7. Your insane

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