
Is there any truth?

by Guest63503  |  earlier

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Well yesterday or the day before to be exact I asked "Is it all a lie"?And Yahoo blocked the answers deeming it niether a question or an answer.Incedentally I received 15 non-answers;What ever they were..So here is another attempt..Go stand in the corner.




  1. huh?

  2. i agree with xo

  3. Is there an absolute truth? Yes. Anything other than that would be a logic error called an internal contradiction.

    To say "there is no truth" would in itself have to be a true statement. Since the statement contradicts itself, there is no possible universe where this statement could be logical. Therefore, by necessity the statement is false.

  4. There are many truths. Everyone asserts their "truth" and denies that of others. In the end the most commonly accepted version ends up recorded on the web or Wikipedia as the absolute "truth".

  5. Logically, there must be at least one truth against which the rest of the relative realities can be experienced. In other words, even if everything one experiences is illusion or false, the truth remains that there is one who is experiencing those untruths or illusions. Logically therefore it is not possible for everything, both subject and objects, to be untrue!! All illusions must be anchored upon at least some reality, otherwise the totality of illusions can not be perceived at all if the perceiving person too is an illusion.

    Look at it this way...... if everything is falsity, then at least the truth is this fact that everything is untrue!!

  6. It keeps changing, causes produce effects, life is both tangible and intangible and focusing on those truth changes them for the better.

  7. what u talking about

  8. Truth is the manifestation of the transcendentals of the good and the beautiful in a form that can be apprehended by the ratiocinative power of the mind.

  9. no, it's all just a hurtful game, where people get hurt, even if your not the victim.

  10. That's pretty subjective but yes there is truth. We all just arrive at it in different ways. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth." If he doesn't turn you on then you can suppress the truth and lies become your truth. But in the normal course of the day we all have to discern the truth in many ways. Look in the mirror and decide for yourself am I good looking? You may believe you are but others may not. Then the truth is different from what you believe and what others may believe. This is just an example of how everyone percieves the truth. You many believe you are not good looking but others may find you attractive. Where's the truth? In the eye of the beholder right? The truth can get twisted too. We all mostly believe we are right. So the Christian, the Atheist, the Buddist, the Muslim all have different truths. We all have to discern everyday what is truth for us and what is truth for others. If you don't want to deal with it you can't handle the truth.
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