
Is there any truth that Barack Hussein Obama is changing his name to Muhammed Hussein Obama?

by Guest64820  |  earlier

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Is there any truth that Barack Hussein Obama is changing his name to Muhammed Hussein Obama?




  1. Knowing him,if it gets him votes.

  2. People like you should get a life.   Your garbage is boring.

  3. What an ugly insinuation...where did that rumor the small mind of a closed and intolerant person, it would be supposed.

  4. I feel that this is just political rumors, why would he do something like that to start much talk  referring to his political career.

    what's in a name? His whole future.

  5. No! Where did you hear that? Fox News? Barack wouldn't do that considering all the c**p he's already getting for being barack hussein obama. Besides wtf whould he? He's a christian, no matter what those idiots at Fox say.

  6. That would depend on who he was pandering to for votes that day. I heard he was changing it to Barry O'Neil.

  7. I love questions like this.  Remember when Hillary pandered to the fearful haters by saying he isn't a muslim "to her knowlege" when she knew perfectly well his denomination, the name of his church, etc.?

    Bush got re-elected by the same tactic this question employs - fear mongering disinformation.  You're in presidential company; hope you're proud!

  8. He is not  MUSLIM .. Barrack Hussein Obama is his given name.

    which is the cooles Barrack: means blessed in arabic

    and what is wrong if he does change his name ????

    this society doesn't deserve Obama because you can't accept that a guy with a decent reputation is goin to run the country.

    and where do you get this info???

    get with the times homii.

  9. No. It's all just bigoted fantasy! Get real.

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