
Is there any truth to the rumors about a New World Order ( one world govt. conspiracy) Ideas pro & con please

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Is there any truth to the rumors about a New World Order ( one world govt. conspiracy) Ideas pro & con please




  1. the major things i've seen involve nafta and the fact that each major continent is being sort of made into a "european union" type model...oh and theres the whole amero thing...supposedly the rockefellers as the person above me stated are part of some super secret banker society whose major plan is to make all the continents into unions...then create chips that are implanted into everyone...but really i highly doubt that any of this is true...well the part about a north american union is least in some respects...

    one world order...highly unlinkely...

  2. I believe that there is evidence to support it on some points, but I don't believe the NWO, for lack of a better word, is as monolithic as some conspiracy theorists believe.  Part of it is just the way politics work. Like-minded people act in concert, and in many cases I think some people promoting the globalist "one-world" agenda believe they are trying to do the right thing for humanity. That being said, i disagree with that agenda.

    “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.”

    David Rockefeller - from his memoirs p 405

  3. there may a rumble or two,don't think its going to work out

  4. OK, this is one of the things I like to discuss in person so we can go back and forth, each person clarifying or whatever, so that one doesn't think the other is a nutball and the other thinks the one is woefully oblivious.

    I would say . . . yes, but if the evidence were so easily obtainable, the group (or coalition of groups) would have been obliterated 50+ years ago, while it still could've been.

    I think that conspiracy theories are often started by members themselves, just so that others can dismiss them as conspiracy theories and leave the originator of the theory "in the clear" as far as being involved goes.  I also think that some truth is "allowed" to remain in the public eye, but that it is both intentionally and unintentionally tainted by just about everyone involved.  Conspiracy theorists are generally painted as "tin-foil-hat-wearing freaks," which is a disservice to the ones that know whereof they speak.  Granted, some of them (us?) ARE T.F.H.W.F., but are they "plants" by the conspirators?  Hmmmmmm . . .

  5. all fiction''

  6. It's just another creation of the bleeding heart liberal anti establisment fools that live in their mom's basment's at age 35+ and sit around in their underwear all day, playing with a PC and a video editor. This is how all those whiny "why is it that..." videos get produced.

    Liberal candidates continue to make promises a chief executive cannot do to try to get elected by the ignorant that think the President is some omnipotent and all powerful being. They are far from it. A president is merely a chief executive who can merely approve or veto laws and impress their opinions on policy.

    People need to learn how their government works, or we may be doomed to more Clinton years. I am so sick of hearing about how good the 90's were. Clinton was handed a prosperous economy by  Reagan and Bush Sr. Clinton did not "balance" the budget. Newt and the Republican congress did. Clinton merely takes credit for "being there". Clinton was offered Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter (he was already a wanted terrorist in the USA btw) but chose not to get involved. Could have action here changed what was to happen on 9/11?

    And the Dems crying that the Conservatives are warmongers need to go back to school to learn that every major confilct in the modern era, except the two gulf wars occured under democratic administrations.


  7. No, there is no truth to the rumors. Look around- does this world look like anyone is in control to you? Plus, if anyone were powerful enough to pull all the strings (as people say), then they'd already be running a one-world government- so why bother installing another one?

  8. I haven't heard anything about it, but it is one of the steps to the coming of the power of the anti-Christ.

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