
Is there any truth whatsoever with any of the 9/11 conspiracy theories? Or is the 'official' story 100% true?

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Do we know all we need to know about what happened on September 11th, 2001?

Or is there more to the story that we are not aware of?

Is there any truth at all to any of the 9/11 conspiracy theories?

What do you think of the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement"?




  1. Decode this lyrics " Up to you"

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " Fire !"

    On what had happened on that day.

    It was on TV and in prints.

    Revealation 16.12-13

    Look on what went wrong out there.

    Luke 21.30-36

    What do you think?

  2. There was suicide bombers on every floor. When the plane hit the tower the people with the bombs set the bombs off one at a time..I'll tell you more later the nurse is here to give me my shot.

  3. I have yet to read a conspiracy that's more accurate than the official story.  I naturally don't believe conspiracies because I know how easy it is to twist facts (which is what the conspiracies do).  Take a hard look anytime you see '...' for it means information is taken out.  A lot of times in conspiracies that information is very important and changes the meaning of what they are telling you.

    Don't be afraid to question the conspiracy as much as the official story.

  4. well the owner of the towers put the towers up for insurance 2 weeks before the tragedy.

    The towers collapsed as if there were bombs on each floor because if a plane hit a building it wont completely collapse like a tower  of cards.

    there were actually 2 survivors on the plane.

    the survivors were the terrorists and before they covered them up on the media and ****, they said these words "your president told us to" i got this info of a dvd i dont know what its called.

  5. Is that a serious question? I thought everone knew the official story was 85% boolshyt.  You have a long journey ahead.  Wiki is part of the cover-up, so is Pop. Mechanics.  Find a good truth site & start reading.

    the cover-up

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