
Is there any tyjpe of prescription the doctor can give me to increase breast milk production?

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I have tried Mothers Milk Tea, its not helping.

I have tried constant pumping, its not helping.




  1. Call your obgyn and ask for a prescription called Reglan.  I took this medication the entire time I breastfed.  It works really well.  You will notice a difference within a few hours.  Make sure to drink lots of fluids as well.

  2. Yes, Reglan is the commercial name for domperidone.

    I've heard of some people having great success with it, and others having absolutely no results. It's worth a try!

  3. I have asked my doctor. He refused to write me out a prescription for Reglan. He says its not safe for the baby. What he told me to do because I was running low as well was drink one beer. Or one cocktail. He said it would increase my milk. But only one was all it takes and it won't hurt the baby. Well I did and he was 120% correct!! Try it. Good luck.

  4. If you live in Canada there is an awesome prescription drug that works wonders.  It is called Domperdone (I hope I got the spelling correct).  I was put on it about a month after my son was born.  After 2 days I noticed a huge difference.  The US does not have this drug but I have heard that some people have ordered it from Canada to the US.  I hope this helps.

    Good Luck...

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