
Is there any type of government aid for homeschool....Boston perferably?

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i need to know if there is any funding of any type for homeschool. This is for a teacehr to come to the house and work with my sister. She has ADHD and is beieing abused in school many many times verbaly. It's etting toa point that we dont know what to do and shes faking sick not to go to school. PLease help about the homeschooling part. Thanks




  1. No, no funding for HS'ing.  However, she may qualify for home*bound* education through her school district.

    MA doesn't have any public virtual schools, either.  They are free to attend.

    Your parents are just going to have to look at the possibility of privately HS'ing her.  It can be done nearly for free - or it can cost thousands/year.

  2. Here is a virtual school that purports to be free.  It might work for you.

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