
Is there any video footage of Owen Harts fall to death in 1999?

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Is there any video footage of Owen Harts fall to death in 1999?




  1. i heard this some where owen hart's wife has the only video footage but she keeps it locked up in a fault im not joking around or playing some sick prank but thats what i heard

  2. there are stills shot from the auidence on YouTube  

  3. nope they wudnt show it just like how Steve irwen died they wont show it...!!!!!!!!!

  4. someone who was at that pay-per-view must have videotaped it but might not have put it on the net. But there IS some sort of footage of it on this planet. Trust me on that.

  5. no the PPV it was at was during commercial at the time, and JR explained what was going on during the after math when they went back on the air

  6. Nope and if there was WWE would never release it.

  7. The same old question. A straight answer:\


  8. Not that I've seen, only pictures.

  9. No. When it happened they were airing footage of him talking about his match with The Godfather. I think that once they were finished they were going to go to him being lowered into the ring but of course that never happened.

    RIP Owen.

  10. i have no idea. I bet its out there, but hard to find. I actually go to see it live, as I was at the pay-per-view event that it happened at. They didn't let anyone know what was going on, and if he was alive or not. I didn't even know for sure that he was dead until I called a friend, and he asked me about it.

  11. i doubt it

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