
Is there any way I as a person, could destroy the Earth?

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Is there any way I as a person, could destroy the Earth?




  1. If you jumped off a very tall building, or put a bullet in your brain, or took a whole bottle of sleeping pills, then the Earth would cease to exist for you.

  2. LOL, pathetic answers, most of them just quoting (or stealing their ideas from) Austin Powers, get a life people.

    And yes, just go out and buy yourself a hummer. Then drive it around to pick up some kids or something (it cant haul anything as any HP is used in moving its fat ***).

    AND WHALAH! You are now one step ahead in destroying the earth, except theres more than just you doing it.

  3. Do what NASA has been trying on asteroids. They have been sending small spacecraft to far away asteroids and tried altering there course using they spacecraft's gravity.

    Just do the opposite and change a huge asteroids course for planet Earth. That should do the trick.

    Or you could drill down through the crust with a giant drill and release all of the inner pressure from the mantel. That just might start a chain reaction of volcanic eruptions destroying the planet.

    Good Luck!

  4. no, theres no possible way no nuke big enough no nothing could

  5. That depends on what you as a person are capable of and what you mean by destroy the Earth. If you mean remove the planet Earth from existance, no you cannot. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that matter cannot be destoryed. As such, it is impossible for you to remove the planet from existance. If you mean shatter the Earth into large chunks, this is slightly more reasonable. If you were somehow able to aquire MASSIVE ammounts of explosive (we are taking about amounts that are expoentially larger then the total amount of explosive power available to all mankind at present) then you could blast large chunks of the Earth off by carefully timing your blasts. The chances of that are next-to-nil as you would have to first get the large amounts of explosive (anti-matter/matter reactions would be the most likely and just getting and storing that much antimatter is currently impossible) then you would have to get it placed just right and set it off just right. So then do you mean destroy all life on Earth? This is also suprisingly difficult. If you could figure out a way to launch all of the nukes of the world at the same time, have them cause ground strikes and have massive amounts of radioactive fallout block out the sun, you would still have all of the bacteria living deep underground that live of the heat created from the fission deep within the Earth but theoretically, with sufficient nuclear weapons you could irradiate even these deep caverns. If you mean destroy all life on Earth larger than a single cell this moves into the realm of reality. As above, blocking out the sun and compounding this cloud with intense radiation is reasonably likely to destroy all large life on Earth.

  6. Such a question! If there was a way, and I knew what it was, you are very, very low on the list of people I would tell about it.

  7. you could try eating your own p**p.

  8. You as 1 person? No. Even after we enter WW III, which is just a matter of time, Earth will still be here. You could though, wait 2 billion years. In 2 Billion years, our galaxy, the Milky Way, is going to collide with our next door neighbor galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy. Ending Earth's existence, and any other life form still on Earth along with it.

  9. Total Existence Failure

    You will need: nothing

    Method: No method. Simply sit back and twiddle your thumbs as, completely by chance, all 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,... atoms making up the planet Earth suddenly, simultaneously and spontaneously cease to exist. Note: the odds against this actually ever occurring are considerably greater than a googolplex to one. Failing this, some kind of arcane (read: scientifically laughable) probability-manipulation device may be employed.

    Utter, utter rubbish.

  10. Why bother? You'd kill yourself in the process.

  11. Yes, but why would you want to destroy the earth?

    I said yes because if you are extremely smart and know the ingredients, you could do it. Since I don't know the ingredients   and I love the earth  very much I am not interested.

    Now, you should be careful with the questions that you ask, the government monitoring everything, with the war on terror excuse, your question may be taken out of context and and they might pay you a visit ( it has happened before). I wouldn't be surprised if some hater report you and your question gets deleted.

  12. we could tell you. but then we'd have to kill you.

  13. Get some freaking sharks with some freaking lazer beams on their heads.  That should do it!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Sit in front of the fresh air inlet and rip a nasty wet one!

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