
Is there any way I can cheer up an older, abused dog?

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We've had the female dog for about 2 years and most of the time she seems scared, frightened or worried that we're going to hit her.

Her first owner wasn't abusive to her, but she was locked in a small room most of the day, the second owner however was abusive, now we have the dog and treat her pretty good, she has another dog that lives with her now too.




  1. i dont have personal experience but my aunt has a dog where the previous owner was abusive. from what ive seen these dogs need much more tlc than others. just show the dog you care. my aunts dog is stil skiddish at times (especially with loud noises) but is a very friendly, happy  go lucky dog. as far as discipline you certainly cant let the dog run rampid but show him a compassionate way, such as a firm tone. but make sure that she is shown love shortly after.

  2. unfortunately all you can do is to show your dog love, all her life she has been treated bad and she is probably just waiting for you to turn on her, with love and time she will come to realise you are only there to love and care for her, she may never stop being nervous the damage has already been done and may take a long time to undo, just love her honey and show her you mean no harm to her and eventually she will learn to trust you completely, don't make a fuss if she shys away as this will just renfource her behaviour treat her normally and she will learn to trust you  best of luck honey

  3. Stay close to her if she moves stay back. If she stays that means she trusts you and then each time move closer and closer to her.

  4. She has had a horrible start to life you just have to keep building up her confidence one step at a time. I am sure the love you will give her will eventually melt away those long distant memories

  5. This is such a hard answer.  I would suggest increasing her confidence any way that you can.  Use positive training methods only (sounds like you do).  Give her lots of treats for things she does well, and if she does bad behaviour try not doing anything except saying a firm no.  This will slowly increase her confidence as well.

  6. The abuse she suffered has damaged her trust, just keep loving her, and understand it is hard if not impossible for her to forget the beatings.  for her it is like an automatic reflex to dodge your hands and she can not stop it. so  just keep being good to her and ignore her dodging your hand.  

  7. This takes time and some work on your behalf, kindness, love, exercise, and play are important. Use your "happy voice" for praising her it provides a strong positive energy to the dog when your doing activities also consider treats when she does well.  DO the same for your other dog, you don't want to create a pecking order by playing favorites.

    Be patient, don't give up and bless you for rescuing this dog

    soxb1122 also has some good advice listed above.

  8. You must treat the dog as a small child. It will take a long time but eventually she will come around. I know you are thinking 2 yrs are a long time but like a human, there will always be traces of that bad memory. I would contact your local animal shelter-SPCA or Humane Society as they deal with these types of dogs on an regular basis and may even recommend a dog behaviorist you can speak with. Good luck and let her know every day you love and she'll come around eventually.  

  9. Give her space, let her have the run of the house or a big room.

    (don't keep her coped up.)

    Take her to large grassy areas for an hour every day.

    Give her some squeaky toy's to play with.

    And treat/praise when she does something good.

    (ie: let's you stroke her.)

    Let her smell your hand before you touch her so she knows it's her mum.

    Never come uo behind a dog to stroke her or pull your hand away suddenly. (this will only encourage her to snap/nibble or bite.)

    Let her come to you for attention. Don't always go to her. She needs to trust you and you need to trust her.

    Make sure you give equal praise and attention to both dogs. And when stroking the other dog call the scared one (don't know the name) over. To show her that your not hurting the other dog which means you won't hurt her.

    Hope i helped and good luck.

  10. Hi, very difficult one this and to go on for such a long time. I would say give plenty of love and reassurance and never raise your voice to her. I have a ten month old cavalier who has had four previous owners in her life and all have sold her on for various reasons, this has made her very insecure and nervous, we have had her about a month now and she is beginning to show trust in us, but if we reprimand either of our other dogs she immediately becomes very edgy. You have persevered for a long time now so maybe you need to discuss with your vet about a referral to a dog therapist  extreme I know but what else can I say. Good luck.

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