
Is there any way I can get financial aid?

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i always have food to eat on the table, and i have my own car. my sister has her own car too, as well as my parents. my dad refuses to pay for my education. my mom doesnt make enough money to even think about it. my dad tells me i need to work to get some money to go to school

i work at target 30 hours a week and i go to a community college. paying for a CC is fine but i want to go to a university.

unless i work for 10 years (i have to pay alot of the bills) ill never have enough money (~50,000) to pay for 2 years of a university. i tried to get FAFSA before but i coudlnt. i need my dads tax files but he refuses to give them. in the past my mom has betrayed my dad and gotten credit cards in his name and his credit is ruined. so he does not trust a word that comes out of her mouth, even about financial aid for me.

my dad is very stubborn. he believes that any money i get will have to be paid back. there is no convincing him. please give me advice. i cant get my dad's tax info.




  1. How old are you??  If you are 24, you can do the FAFSA with just your tax info.  Also, get in contact the financial aid office at the University you would like to attend.  Explain the situation and ask them what your options are.  Also try scholarships.  Fastweb is really good.  Don't count out the little schollys, because they do add up.  Good Luck!

  2. If you're 24, you can declare yourself as an 'independent'. The income of your dad won't be a factor anymore. Therefore, you can qualify for need-based financial aid and other types of grants.

    Scholarships can also be a good option for you to find money for college.

    You can check out these sites:

  3. You will not get aid without your dad's tax info. If it were that easy, everyone would do it.

    Sounds like you need to show your dad, in writing, that his info is required. Just print out the rules from the FAFSA web site and highlight the important parts for him.

  4. I wouldn't try what you're friend did, if and when they find the mistake, they will ask for the money back... even if it's 10 years later. As for you, you can either wait till you're 24 or you can get married right now... which might not be a bad idea... or you can just make up what you think your dad makes (to be safe you could say he makes more than he really does) just to give you enough to at least take out federal loans and workstudy.

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