
Is there any way I can look at a solar eclipse without getting blind?

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and without using anything..




  1. What? you don't believe in pinhole cameras?

    There is nothing simpler, and the cost is $000.

    You can get a shobox for free from most shoe stores,  Just ask for one.  They through them away!

  2. No. Never look directly at the sun.  

    You can use simple house hold things that will make it much safer though.

    the easiest would be to put a pinhole in a piece of cardboard and hold it away from you,  view that sun that way as it will greatly minimize any damage.

    For a mini project you could make this pinhole camera type thing.  here is a website i found.

  3. On the internet.

  4. you can use a type of welder's mask....

  5. Without using ANYTHING?  NO.

    The safest method is to use a mirror, or a pinhole camera (google it).  You can make the pinhole for virtually nothing, all you need is a cardboard box and something to poke a hole in it.

  6. Uhm. Total solar eclipse, yes. Be careful not to look at the Sun when the photosphere comes out from behind the Moon. Partial solar eclipse, no.

    But looking at the Sun can be minimal.  There are solar glasses - make sure there are no pinholes.  Astronomy Magazine had some in a December issue a few years back - there was a partial eclipse.

    Or, you can poke a small hole in a piece of cardboard, and make a small pinhole 'camera' projecting the light onto a white piece of paper.

    Or, you can go to your local astronomy club, and let them show it to you safely without you having to do anything.

  7. Yep. You need a special type of glasses or something that covers/ protects them.

  8. Theoretically you could. It is very dangerous but if you knew how long you can look into the sun without eye damage, you could. The problem is I can't tell the maximum delay you can look into the sun. I think a tenth of a second doesn't do any harm. Maybe even more.

    People are generally very afraid of getting blind but few people know why. It is difficult to understand why a dim light can damage the sight. The reason is the brightness remains the same and the damage is done by the brightness, not by the total amount of light. When there is no total solar eclipse, the strong light makes us protect our eyes naturally. During the total solar eclipse only the lighting visible surface decreases

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