
Is there any way I can make my cross bite fixed?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. So i have braces on my top teeth, and i have a crossbite on the right side of my mouth (if it were your mouth it would be your right) and if you go to your center tooth its two over (if you count right center tooth move over one tooth then another) That tooth is a cross bite. I have my braces on, but is there any way that it could be fixed faster? Thanks for your help because I am trying out for something and I dont think they will take my with my braces and the sooner my cross bite is fixed the sooner i can get them off :]

Thanks SOOOOOOOOOO Much for your help




  1. Hello, given your description of where the "Cross-bite" tooth is located, your talking about what is referred to by many as the "Eye Tooth" or "Cuspid"....According to your description the Cuspid is the only tooth that you consider to be in a Cross-Bite....Normally we would describe it as being in a Lingual/posterior position, meaning that it's behind the lower front teeth it should be out in front of. say you have braces and that being the case I would have to think that the Orthodontist would certainly have his or her treatment plan to include moving the Cuspid forward into a proper anterior position slightly over and in front of the lower teeth....Be aware that moving teeth to fast can create bone issues such as voids and creating a situation where the tooth becomes to loose as it is moved....Moving to quickly can create an issue with how long it will take for the tooth to tighten back up once it's in the desired position. If you feel the Orthodontist isn't making good decisions you need to have a straight forward conversation about your concerns...and "if" necessary, go to another Orthodontist and get a second opinion....Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. Your braces are supposed to help you correct your cross bite. Chances are your orthodontist has something planned to help your cross bite later on. Like the use of rubberbands.  

  3. your orthodontist will be able to treat the crossbite.

  4. the braces are suppose to help the crossbite.....your teeth wont all move in one day....ur teeth will move on itself from the pressure of the braces you can't really fix it urself........just always remember to wear ur rubber bands when they give u them it will make ur process way faster....i am getting my braces off on Aug. 10 and i haven't even wore them for a just be patient it will get there.

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