
Is there any way I can tip the scales to make this work?

by  |  earlier

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I feel it is my duty to give everyone a lucky hug:

(((((((lucky hug)))))))

The thing is, I have no idea if it will bring anyone any luck at all. I recently had a huge effect on another person's luck, but when that ended, I went into a luck drought for myself. I'm hoping that somebody will be able to support me in bringing a luck boost to anyone receiving this lucky hug, because I'm less than sure it will work by my efforts alone.


Loving And Peaceful In Nature




  1. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hu...

  2. Sorry, but I don't believe in luck, superstition, astrology, or any of those kinds of things.

  3. (((((((((((here is a hug for you!))))))))))))))

  4. everybody has bad luck sometimes but yours will turn around for your giving heart

  5. (((((((((((((((((((((((!))))))))))))))))...

    I feel good things are on the way for you.


    Lady Morgana (see, things are already looking up!)

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