
Is there any way I can watch old football games online?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I'm planning to go out tonight and I want to know if there's any way that I can watch the Tennessee-UCLA game tomorrow (or later tonight). I don't have tivo, and I know I can watch the games live, but since I'm not going to be here during the actual game, I was wondering if there was some site which might host it.




  1. With as much of a classic as that game was, I'm sure it'll be replayed by ESPN.  However, they usually do that at like 3-5AM, so unless you're incapable of going to sleep at a reasonable time (such as myself) you most likely won't see it.

    Otherwise certain laws prevent individuals from taping it and redistributing it, but then again isn't sharing music illegal too?

    There will be a way to find it I'm sure.

  2. If you have cable tv then go to channels 320 thru 334 or so and you might get to see it.  They replay many of the games that you see during the week. It should be a great game for both teams.  It will probably make or break the season for Tennessee.  UCLA has a bit of rebuilding to do.

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