
Is there any way an adoptee can legally rescind their adoption when he/she reaches the age of 18 in the U.S.?

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If so would their original birth certificate be valid and available to them?




  1. wow. what an interesting question.

    my first guess would be 'no'.  i'll be very interested in what more experienced adoptees (in the legal area) say to this idea.

  2. Normally, this is not something that can be done.  However, in the rare cases that it has been done, the original birth certificate has been restored as the legal birth certificate, just as it always is if the adoption disrupted while the person was under 18.

    Here's an example of someone who had his adoption annulled:

    it was annulled on the basis of fraud and abuse.

  3. I think it's a good question, too...  (STAR).  

    You can't change your past, so I don't think you can rescind an adoption just becasue you turn 18...  you can probably go to court and legally have your birth parents readopt you...  if they want or you could emancipate  yourself from your adoptive parents.

  4. You can get a divorce, but adoption is forever.

    I thought of having my real mother adopt me, but I will still be 'adopted', this time by my real mother.

    And people wonder why adoption is compared to slavery & indentured servitude...

    You might be able to get your OBC, but it is not valid.  That identiy have been swiped away by the government of your state of birth.

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