
Is there any way i can drop out????

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i am 16 i live in south carolina my mom is willing to sign me out i have been getting sick alot and am unable to keep going to school and keep up with the work ! I have been to the doctor and they will not put me on homebound what can i do please help!!!!!!




  1. Dropping out should be a last resort because it looks bad when you're applying for jobs later, but it sounds like you have little choice.  Start working on your GED as soon as possible.

  2. Your mom can go the your local regional office of education (ROE) and let them know you will be home schooled. Then you can enroll in an Internet based or correspondence high school program like the American School, one of South Carolina's virtual school programs (on-line), or some other technology based accredited high school program (on-line). I wish you the best my friend!

    Do your best to stay sharp by tapping into the public school for resources that will help you remain on the cutting edge (assessment materials). Stay sharp and rememnber to take the PSAE, ACT, SAT and any other assessments that help measure your academic progress. Also get in touch with your local community colleges and try to enroll in online dual credit programs that they offer.  

    Whatever you do, always remember that education is one of the main ingredients in the American dream.

  3. You should look into some independent study or home schooling option instead of dropping out.

    All districts are different but in our area there are a couple charter school programs that let you basically do your work from home and turn it in once a week. Some schools have independent study programs where you can also do your work from home and just go to school once a week to ask questions, turn in assignments and get new assignments.

    Also you might want to try another doctor who can help you with your actual health issues and who can also explain them in a meaningful way to the school so that they will be more likely to work with you.

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