
Is there any way i can find out my heritage in percentages?

by Guest10827  |  earlier

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like 30% french 20 % german etc....?




  1. Doing your genealogy, you would be able to know what percentages.

    The DNA businesses out there use very general terms when they describe asomeone's heritage.

    To pick a percentage that is reasonable because we are dealing with 1,000s of years of history, you should start  when your ancestors immigrated to where you are now.

  2. Sure. Trace your ancestors and divide. Suppose, for instance, of your 8 great grandparents you had

    1 Albanian

    2 Brazilian

    2 Cheokee

    1 Dane

    2 Egyptian

    You are 1/8th each, or 12.5%. Those 2 Brazilians add up to 1/4 or 25%; so do the 2 Cherokees and the 2 Egyptians.

    You maye have to go to 16ths (Great-Great Grandparents) or 32nds (GGG GPs).

  3. It would be a WHOLE lot more reliable to use fractions, in my opinion.  

    JUST FOR DISCUSSION.. everyone has 4 grandparents, 8 grandparents, so on.. it will double every generation.  Someone throws out 10 percent, I think they are guessing. IF and only IF each grandparent were "pure" something, then you can say you are 1/4th of whichever they are/were.  The reality is that almost none of them were pure anything.  They all had ancestors as well.  The real question is, how much solid research are you willing to do??  At the point where you find you are 1/64th of something, is it worth getting out the calculator to convert to percentage?

    More reality checks.. those persons who do NOT do genealogy, are often unsure of who their own grandparents were, much less where they came from.  If you go to the other extreme, fanatic researchers like me, have so many ancestors found that we NEED a genealogy program to keep track of them, and printing a report takes 5 pages, listing them only by name.  Not exaggerating. Yes, it can be done. 99% of us, could care less about determining a percentage.  The focus is finding the NAME and if lucky, things like where they are buried, and did they leave a record of their relatives?  

    Short and sweet.. yeah.. you can if you really need to. But is there really any POINT to it?

  4. No.  They just give you broad groups.

  5. DNA tests furnish percentages, but as of yet, they cover pretty wide territories, such as Northern European.

  6. this is an unusual question. it cant be exactly found out..just see that what is more will have more %tage..

  7. No, because each of your ancestors will also have input from other sources, no person is solely of one origin, at one time Germany and France did not even exist as specific countries.

  8. What you want is useless and futile.  You have to understand as you trace your ancestry back, the percentages will change and very likely to become more confusing.

    For instance, the English are a nation of mutts.  They had Celts and then the Romans came and their soldiers were from all over the world, then the Germanic Anglo, Saxons and Jutes. After that the Danes and then the French speaking Normans.  Normans originated as Northmen but settled on the coast of France that now bears their name and naturally they intermarried with the natives.

    There have been numerous boundary changes throughout Europe.  If you had a German great great grandfather chances are he had a great great grandfather from Poland, France or Bohemia.  A French great great grandparent might had ancestors from one of the German states or even Spain or Italy.  

    Most nations in Europe did not exist until the last melennium.  All of our ancestors were nomads at one time.  Agree with Tebs. At one time what is now Germany and France was one big Frankish kingdom.

    It was split.  France became a nation in the 9th century. What is now Germany was a lot of small kingdoms, duchies etc until the latter part of the 19th century.  

    As you go back the number of individuals you directly descend from pyramids.  Now, you will fiind some duplicates.   Example: a great great grandfather in one family liine might be your great great great great grandfather in another.  

    However, barring any duplicates, if you get back to your 6xgreat grandparents, you are directly descended from 510 individuals. It jumps to over a thousand if you get back to your 7xgreat grandparents.   I don't know how old you are but very likely your 7xgreat were living in the 1700s.  

    Now, there are DNA tests using autosomal DNA.  They don't give specific ethnicities.  They, for instance, will indicate Northern European, West African, East Asian etc but they won't give you German, French etc.

    Edit: Also  Poland dominated a good part of Eastern Europe and then Poland was dominated and ruled by Prussia, Russia and Austria.   I bought new refrigerator, electric range and washer a couple of years back. The salesman was a young man from Mongolia.  I told him I was part Mongolian.  You see the people in Eastern Europe always had the Tartar or Tatars that originated in Mongolia riding into town to have a big party.  It was said that the Tatars rode, ate and slept on their horses.  However, when you see the somewhat slant eyes of Poles, Polish Jews, Finns and a lot of Eastern Europeans, you realize they(the Tatars)  weren't always on their horses.

    I just call myself a pedigree American mutt.

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