
Is there any way i can intercept my home telephone line?

by  |  earlier

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i want to detect all incoming calls so that i can choose the calls i want to answer and answer from my handphone. However i also dont want anyone at home to be suspicious so i need the home telephone to ring as well like normal. is there anyway to do it?




  1. yes!!! there is....I think you will like this....its a caller-ID manager!

    you will have total control of all incoming and outgoing calls.....!

    its small enough to conceal if you choose to do so...!

    you also can route calls just to go to can stop certain phone numbers from ringing all together, and see all outgoing calls too!

    its a real neat gadget I would not want to live without!

  2. just answer and say hello in a gruffy voice and if the other person sounds like the person you don;t want to speak to then hang up

  3. answering machine

  4. There is this site called I believe they show you how to receive calls from your phone line. They show you how to do pretty much anything lol... but it might be slightly illegal

  5. Ok...I'm sure you're just not asking your question in a clear and concise way, otherwise you'd have to be living under a rock to not know about caller ID.  Sooo, I'm guessing that what you really want is to "filter" your calls like one filters their email into the Spam folder.  I don't really know of any good way to accomplish that, other than to "block" certain numbers that you don't want coming in.  Good luck.

  6. Caller ID

  7. Caller ID



  8. yes.  Add another phone to the same line, and remove the microphone from it.  Also look up wiretapping.

  9. definitely caller id

  10. um um um um No idea.. Sorry XD i wud also like to know

  11. Get caller ID  Caller ID has been around for over twenty years in some places.  Many wire line phones also have custom ringtones for specific callers.

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