
Is there any way i can keep a goldfish from stinking?

by Guest31628  |  earlier

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my mom is gonna buy me one and im just preparing for it...




  1. The reason for fishes to smell is due to the fact that either the ammonia content in the fish tank is high or you have fungus in the tank. You need to take proper care for the fish by doing weekly water changes of up to 25%.

    You should be testing the water parameters, like ph balance, ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. you should consider doing research online, or you can continue to answer questions in these forums. However, not all the time you'll get the answers that are accurate.

    Doing research by typing in Goldfish care under the search boxes of yahoo search or Google search, will contain information that is needed for you to have the accurate information that is needed.

    Before adding a Goldfish into your tank, you must first let your tank with the filter running for 2-4 weeks. Possibly longer if needed. This is called cycling the tank, to allow the necessary bacteria to grow in your tank to reduce the amount of ammonia and nitrites along with nitrates.

    During the cycle, you should conduct water changes of 10-15% once per week. Do not clean or change the filter pads, which is called filter media. This is where the bacteria is housed.

    Anyways, I hope that this has helped, Good luck..................

  2. ya take care of it. that means at least a 20 gal CYCLED  tank, a filter, and regular declorinated water changes.

  3. put carbon and zeolite in your filter and make partial water changes.

  4. A goldfish kept in a proper sized tank(at least 10 gallons per goldfish) with a filter should not stink.

  5. If it's just one fish you can clean the bowl or tank once a week and that will keep it clean.  if you're talking about a larger aquarium, then you need a filter.

    I have a 30 gal. tank with 19 fish and there is no smell at all using the proper equipment.

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