
Is there any way my parents could get my pics on my phone if i deleted them?

by  |  earlier

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and i didnt send them 2 anyome.




  1. from what ive heard no...if they were deleted and never sent to anyone its not possible but i guess it can vary from phone company to phone company..just check with your phone provider

  2. your phone company has a record of all of them so if you did delete them and your parents wanted to see them the company could email them to their email address

  3. My boyfriend worked for a cell phone customer service place once. He told me that the pics are able to be opened for a certain amount of time. But only under extreme circumstances. So even if your parents can't see them... other people can. My boyfriend said they saw quite a few naughty pics.

  4. only if they go to their service provider and request the list of all pictures taken and such. people think they are deleted forever but their is always a record of things like texts, pictures and phone calls. however, those are only released in extreme circumstances and i don't think you're parents would be able to have access to them.

  5. No.

    But why do you wanna hide them ???

  6. Not at all

    You have nothing to worry about sweetie :)

  7. no way

    they cant

    answer my question;...

  8. No...why are you so worried about it?

  9. Nope

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