
Is there any way of finding out an ex directory landline number in England that is.?

by  |  earlier

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I've lost a telephone number I really need and drove over fifty miles today to the address to get it off them and they were out for the day grrrrr




  1. Your up to no good, or you would have put a message in letter box and your phone number.

  2. I sincerely hope not.

    That, after all, is the point of having an ex-directory number.

    If you know their address and you visited, it might have been an idea to leave a note...

  3. No there isn't.  I think you would have to have a court order.

  4. Stalking is bad!!!

    Write the individuals a letter instead, what a novel concept in this day and age!?!

  5. No.  How come you lost such an important number?

  6. Hi, No you cannot get an ex directory phone number, other have suggested at you could get a court order, and even this would not get it for you. The telecoms company's will only give this out to government agency's, the police, or emergency services, such as ambulance (and that's only if a 999 call had been made from then line).

    Sorry not what you wanted to hear, but I hope this helps.

  7. Emergency services or Health authority's are about the only people that can get this info and even they have to meet certain criteria. a letter is your best bet....sorry.

  8. No there is not, that's the whole point of it.

    You can try an email, a letter, or the neighbour next door.

    Yet, driving fifty miles and coming back empty handed is bad, Maybe you could have left them your number under the door to call you back or something ?!

    Sorry, I'm not much into Mafiosi things :-)

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