
Is there any way of lowering the output of a lightbulb without a dimmer switch ?

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Is there any way of lowering the output of a lightbulb without a dimmer switch ?




  1. Sure replace it with one with a lower lumen rating

  2. If you are using incandescent bulbs (not CFL), there is a small insert you can put in the socket.  I haven't seen them in quite awhile but they are probably still available.  All they are is a diode which rectifies the AC.  I have made dimmer switches in the past using a double switch - one of them has a diode across it and it is in series with the other switch.  This won't work with a CFL, at least I don't believe it will as it needs the full voltage for the starter to work.

  3. I hope that you are using energy efficient fluorescent bulbs!

    The only way to do what you want is to replace it with a lower wattage bulb.

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