
Is there any way of my boyfriend (whom is from the UK) to work in a trade in Canada as a non-skilled worker?

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He would like to work in Canada for some type of trade as he preferes hands on experience however, hasn't gone to school yet and is considered a non-skilled worker. He would like to work with that trade a bit and take the money he receives from that trade and put it towards his schooling in that field. He cannot afford to pay his full way through schooling at the moment and he really wants to work and have an education in Canada. Are there any sites or anyone that can give us a little more info? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!! thank you.




  1. I'm afraid that without any education, he won't be able to come to Canada to work and earn enough money to pay for trade school. Sorry.

    He could certainly apply to immigrate as an unskilled worker but that will take at least 3-5 years and no company will hire a foreign unskilled worker if there is a Canadian citizen who can do the same job.

  2. He could get a work permit as a low-skilled worker but he would need a job offer and he would have to go back for 4 months after 2 years.

    He could get a work permit as a semi skilled worker in Alberta or BC, he would need a job offer, his job would have to be one of the ones they have listed as most needed, he could apply for permanent residency and should get it within a year and then he can apprentice in any trade he wants.

    If he wants to start apprenticing right away, that could be a problem.  AB, BC and more are bringing in tradesmen as skilled workers but they require that you already have experience for that.  Taking a semi-skilled job, possibly as a helper in a trade can lead to apprenticeship though and he would get credit for the time he already worked.

    Alberta provincial nominee program:

    Alberta apprenticeship program:

    BC provincial nominee program:

    BC apprenticeship program:

  3. Go to the Immigration Canada website and complete the 'Skilled Worker' Assessment.  This will give you all the info you need.

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