
Is there any way that I can forward my phone calls from my landline to my cell phone?

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My home phone company is Verizon and my cell is Verizon............ is there any way that I can forward the calls? If so, how?




  1. I can do that with Vonage. Ask your home phone service company. I set it up that way via home phone service's Website.

  2. dont think so go ask verizon

  3. *72 Activate Call Forwarding

    just try using *72 and the number!!

    if you hear a stutter tone, then you know it works...

    *73 DeActivate Call Forwarding

  4. usually you can. call customer service and ask them how and if it is included in your plan or if you will be charged extra for it.  

  5. just ask your provider

  6. Call them and ask.  There will probably be charges depending on your area.  

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