
Is there any way that a baby can have emotional problems?

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I have a neice(sp?) that turned two in April. My mom(her grandmother) and I are probably the two people she likes seeing the most. Her mom is 18 years old and her boyfriend(my neices dad) is around 22 years old. He has been to jail on numerous occasions. He's pretty crazy. He often hits the mom in front of my neice and yells and just the other day he punched the windshield hard enough to crack it all the way down, and then he got in the car and started driving recklessely with my neice in the car. My family is pretty wealthy. My mom is one of the higher positions in a big company in our town. She makes a six figure income.we have a nice house. We bought a house for my sister. Its a pretty good environment for my neice around us. But I think the mom has trouble giving attention being so young.

Recently she started acting scared and sad when me or my mom weren't around. It's worrying me alot.

Do you think she could have anything wrong with her due to all the stuff she has seen?




  1. In the long run and even know it can give the baby very bad emotional problems. But not only the baby but the mother to. I would get your sister and niece out of that enviorment as soon as possible. He might be harming your niece to. I'm so sorry to hear that and i hope everything turns out good for you your sister and your niece.

  2. Next time he hits her calls the cops.  He'll go back to jail.  It sounds like that's the best thing for's a good thing that you and your mom are there for the baby, just spend as much time with her as possible.

  3. People may think little kids r just little airheads, but they actually know things. A two year old is not young anymore, and she will understand many things. I think she is scared of her dad's actions, and I think also, being born to teenaged parents is another factor. I'M NOT SAYING that all teenage parents are not good parents, but they are still young themselves, and they have many things on their hands such as school. The main thing is i think your little niece is scared of what her daddy is doing........i don' t think she should see him much. I'm in no custody, and none whatsoever to judge anyone here, but her dad can also cause her bodily harm, and i think your little niece needs a better environment to grow up in than being in the presence of her daddy when he hits and have outbursts.

  4. i'd say yes, your niece can have emotional problems that could lead to more serious problems later. like when shes older, she will seek out abusive men to be in relationships with because abuse will be all she knows. then she will go on to have kids in abusive relationships and so on and so on. if your family is pretty wealthy what id do is take the dad to the side, give him some money and say hit the road. i bet the loser would take the money and run, but at least your niece will have a chance.

  5. yes she needs out of that environment NOW. the dad may be HARMING THE NIECE TOO. get her OUT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE TO SAVE HER EMOTIONAL STATE AND HER LIFE!

  6. Her brain is very active at her age. From 0-3 the most neural pathways are formed, so something that has happened recently can trigger a reaction towards other situations later in life.

    The development of a person is a combination of genes and environment. Her father's crazy behavior may be an illness that could have been passed down. Because her genetic composure is unknown, it would be best to provide her with the best environment possible. It sounds like you are making her life better already.

    Hope this helped. I definitely recommend the book below.

  7. oh yea im sure she is an emotional wreck being 2 years old and being treated like dust by her dad! i i were your sister i would leave him =}

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