
Is there any way that i can transfer movies off my dvr onto my computer?

by Guest61027  |  earlier

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Is there any way that i can transfer movies off my dvr onto my computer?




  1. If you have TiVo, then hook up your TiVo to your home network.  This works for Series 2 and above boxes.  The USB port has a cable that will enable a CAT-5 plug in, so you can connect to your home network.

    On your PC, you can download TiVo Desktop Server.  Once running, it'll find your TiVo on the network.  Then, you can transfer and store TV shows on your computer.  You can also, from your TiVo box, play the shows you transfered to your computer.  This can, essentially, expand your recording capacity dramatically.

  2. Most DVRs have an S and/or composite outputs that can be connected to a computer's video capture card. The movies can then be transferred to the PC. The data on the DVR's hard drive cannot be transfered . It is only readable by the DVR box.

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