
Is there any way that the G.O.P. can mess up this country worse than they already have?

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wars..astronomical spending.and debt,4.25 a gallon gas..banks failing...the whole world hates there anything else they can do to further destroy this country?




  1. I reccomend Winston Churchills " The coming storm" if you would like to understand how the appeasments of the peace faction caused WW2.

    The villification of Churchill was eerily similar to the

    abuse pres. Bush has suffered, but at least the british were smart enough to unite behind him. And we were lucky enough to have a non appeaser in the white house.  BinLaden's stated objective was the unification of the muslims into a new caliphate, ruled by the fanatics. Prior to the invasion of Iraq, there was a real risk he'd succeed - people will prefer to follow the safest course. After- kind of risky, being on the terrorist supporter list wasn't it?

          National defense is a legitimate purpose of Govt. ,tho expensive. The endless vote-buying and robin hood playing of the democrats has been the source of entitlement spending - our govts. biggest expense.  Their proudest achievment has been social security- a Ponzi scheme about to go bust. Enjoy your retirement.

          Democrats have been using Environmental lawsuits to destroy economic activity here for decades - they're  only  interested in helping lawyers and those with their noses in the govt. feedbag.  Why would anyone who wants to earn an honest living vote for democrats?  

         Why would anyone want a democrat commander-in cheif? does that make any sense?

  2. anybody could mess it up more cuz its not as bad as the media tells people.

  3. They can lose in November... that would really s***w things up!

  4. rjpetty04,

    You nailed it.

    Wait until Obama gets elected and see what he does with our taxes.  His "wealth redistribution plan" is so blatantly socialistic.  I hope the American people realize what he is truly about.  Maybe it would help if he actually stood firm on his positions then they would see, but he moves so much it's impossible to get him nailed down.  Even the liberal Washington Post called him the "Blurry" candidate because he moved so much so fast that his positions were blurry.

  5. They haven't gotten all your money........YET!

  6. Yes, just one thing! Let the dems win.

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