
Is there any way that you can build up ur creativeness?

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well...i like to be a graphics artist where i find that the creativeness is mostly needed.

any suggessions? Thank you




  1. Whenever I need a creativity boost I wander thru Art supply stores, Office Depot, Michael's Arts and craft store. I go to Museum of Modern Art or Art exhibits around the city. I watch TV show PROJECT RUNWAY because this show celebrates the creative SOURCE.

    All of these get my juices pumping.

    Graphic artistry can be inspired by many things. It depends on what YOUR spirit responds to?

    What do you FIERCELY love about Graphic Art?

  2. Daydream. Just take time out of your day to daydream or meditate. Letting your mind wander will be really helpful.  

  3. I agree with many of the above answerers....  I also add  and can't stress this enough.. Practice, Practice, Practice. That's the only way to get really good at anything.  Draw everything and anything you see... keep on doing that... Use your graphics programs to the point that it gets tired of YOU! lol... (joke)...  

    Also try new things too... designs, or sketchings... You can go to your art museum and draw or paint the paintings there on your own canvas, yes, but make it your own... with your own shadows / light or whatever...

    Also read books on Techniques.   You could also look into taking a course in graphic Illustration at your community college..  (even if you're still in high school!).  

    Best wishes!!

  4. Everyone has a creative streak in them, its just that also most people are afraid of letting it out, afraid of being different, think they'll be scorned when others see their work and so think its best to keep their creativeness locked up inside.

    You will find that most creative people do it anyway, no matter what others think or believe, JUST DO IT!

    Let your mind take control of itself and not be hindered by the shackles of others misguided criticism or your own fears that you may be ridiculed.

    Creativeness needs to be let out in the wild open mind, not kept caged like a dancing bear, chained by the nose and unable to live its own life. Let it out, put it down in any medium that takes your fancy and gives you good feelings.

    Build up your creativeness?? Let it out and it will become a mountain as you climb to new artistic heights.  

  5. i think 'practice', practice, practice... maybe first, copying someone else's or something you get inspired and you change those works and in the end, you'll find out your own work. just keep working!!!  

  6. I think creativity is something your born with,

    You can try buying those books, to open creative side, but it would be forced,

    Creativity is like instinct its just there,

    Good luck on your future career

  7. Try listening to different sorts of music, visiting art galleries, craft shows.... anything that enriches the senses  (within the law of course!). It doesn't have to cost a fortune either - your local library is free to use. Also, really start to look at the world around you - you could be surpirsed where your creativity comes from.

  8. My creativity gets fired up when I read Shakespeare, listen to Mozart, etc.

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