
Is there any way to MAKE myself interested in a book?

by Guest60629  |  earlier

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I have to read "Brave New World" by Monday and (in my opinion) it's boring beyond belief. Everytime I read a paragraph, I forget what I read cause my mind is wandering.

Any tips for getting more interested in the book?




  1. Well find a book that you're interested in or a book that you can relate too. Go to a library and ask the librarian about books. Example if you are the sports person, then look look for sport books the same rule applies with



    -teenage stories




    You can pretty much have as much fun as reading a book and going online. Hope this helps (:

  2. You either are, or you aren't!

    Just, try making images of the characters in your mind instead of just thinking of it as text on a page... maybe that will make it 'come to life' for you? and, when you get bored and your mind starts to wander... don't carry on reading, have a break. otherwise, you'll not take anything in.

    hahah, i really dinar. I'm no help at all :)

    Good luck though.

  3. read the twilight series u cant get out of them they r sooo good! the best way to get hooked on a book is to get hooked on a series and if u like the series then look into the author and get some more of her or his books! and also try not to MAKE urself get into a book just relax and let it happen naturally!

  4. I have found it useful to become the main character -- male or female-- it doesn't matter.  That way you may become interested in what happens to YOU.

  5. not really you just got read it and hope for itll catch your intrest. I didn't like it that much either but it was better than kurt vonegat.

  6. You have to find books that really interest you, start by ready something you can relate to.  

  7. nope,you either like a book or you dont.not everyone is going to like a book.people have different tastes.someone might love classic novels, but someone else might not like classic novels at all.if you cant read it try to look up what the book is about,and the main points.

  8. my life story...

  9. Well if you don't like the book, then you don't like the book and there's not much that you can do about it. But it often helps to watch the movie to get you interested in the basic plot, which makes you want to read the book. I had to do that with a few books and it works, believe me.

    And it also helps your imagination to watch the movie. Try to picture the words in your head. You'll get sucked in.

    If you need help remembering the plot, make notes as you read to study and remind yourself of, if you think that'll help.

    That's all I've got for right now. If all else fails, go to SparkNotes. Good luck!

  10. I loved "Brave New World".  You cannot MAKE yourself get interested in a book.  But, there is a way to get through it and pass the discussions on the book.  Accept that you are not interested in it but tell yourself you have the responsibility to read it for a purpose.  This has gotten me through a few books in school.

  11. Yeah , i feel exactly the same about reading some school books.

    i suggest you to try reading for once with clear mind.

    Don't think about anything , just read carefully and try imaging what you're reading.

    Like a movie in your head.

    it helps me sometimes with a boring book.

    Other than that , i can't help you.

    if you don't like the book at all , there's nothing you can do about it.

    xx Greetings ;D

  12. Just do it. Or, when I have to read something I really don't want to read (like my chemistry textbook), I find it sometimes helps to do something pleasant at the same time, like eat a snack or drink something tasty. If all else fails, I put on some LIGHT music in the background (not the TV though, that's too distracting). Concentrate on the book, but keep the music on low volume just enough so you can hear it.

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