
Is there any way to add more fields to database?

by  |  earlier

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What I meant was can we extend it beyond 10 fields?




  1. In the Database section of your Group, click on the name of the table you want to add fields to.  Then click Edit Table towards the upper-right-hand corner.  On the resulting page, you will see (among other things) a list of the current fields (Columns) in this table.  You should be able to edit this, as long as you don't go over the maximum of ten fields.  Don't forget to click the Save Table button (near the lower-right-hand corner) when you're done.

    Note : I remmeber hearing a while ago that if you edit the fields of a table, then all the data in that table will be erased.  If you want to confirm this with Yahoo Groups Customer Care, then fill out the form at .

  2. depends on the database you are talking about, but on a general database it should go like this:

    ALTER TABLE table_name

    ADD column_name column-definition;

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