
Is there any way to break your phone without the store people noticing?

by  |  earlier

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what i mean is that, my phone's screen is broken and once every week or so the screen just refuses to work, and its just really annoying. That, and, I just want a new phone hehe

So my question there any way to tamper with my phone so that I can send it back and get a new one, without them seeing that I did it on purpose?




  1. Yes the very easy method is to throw it in the microwave for a few (i.e less than 5) seconds.  This would fry the phone from inside and you can then go complain to the store people.  My friend did this with his Iphone...But this is not suggestable if the store people are smart they may be able to open the phone and figure it out (never happened).  Secondly this may be illegal so...i wouldn't advise it ;)

  2. short it out. stick metal inside of it until you see\ smell smoke. although if the screen is broken im pretty sure you can get a new one. But they are smart people and can spot signs of tampering.

  3. dont break it

    just tell them what it does...

    dont cause anymore damage to

    it they might let u get a new one

  4. yes there is you have to open the phone and cut any wire u find and then hide it and they will never no

  5. No they will find out. If you have insurance you can get a new one. You can also have the new phone added to the bill and walk out the door without paying anything

  6. No not really. Do you have insurance? If not then be prepared to buy a new phone....Oh yeah you might want to get insurance next time.

  7. Try this, take two pieces of wire. And connect it to your power point(electricity point) then remove your phone's battery, then you will see three pins like this ||| connect the wire to two me them then 4 your safety place phone somewhere, then switch on then off you will hear a tup sound from phone. Then tell to store man id will check it and id will say this phone is useless now because during recharge time it hit by hi electricity  power. Sorry my english is not good, i think you got that what i am trying to say    

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