
Is there any way to clean a velvet browband?

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My browband looks dull, caan I spruce it up in any way?




  1. Yes, steam clean it by holding it above the kettle when there's steam coming out of it. It works wonders!

  2. Like someone else said, steam is the only way to clean velvet and not risk crushing or staining it.  Use the steam, and then use a lint roller on it afterwards.  Steaming it will also help it if it's become crushed anywhere - it will restore the nap somewhat.  Do it as many times as needed.

  3. I used to hold mine above the steam from a kettle and them use a suede brush on it :-)

    ADD: To Amy S, I assume the asker means a browband, from a bridle, made of velvet! If she was referring to a hat I think she would have said "peak" :-)

  4. hold it over a kettle that is boiling and the steam will help clean it just rub it with a cloth and it should come up clean

  5. I'm not sure I understand the question. Is this on a helmet? Charles Owen makes a helmet cleaning spray :)

    I've never heard of a velvet browband on a bridle :/

  6. Yes, there is a spray called TuffStuff, I used it on cleans without spotting...just spray lightly and run a clothes lint brush over will not only be clean, but the nap will also be raised. This product can be purchased virtually everywhere.  Auto supply, grocery store, dollar store, etc.

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