
Is there any way to control what you dream about?

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just curious.

i think that would be awesome cause then i could dream about someone like in The Tiger and the Snow!

(awesome movie.. this guy dreams about the girl he's in love with every night...aww lol)

anyhow. yeah. that would be cool.





  1. I do that almost always, each time i feel my self dreaming hehe i really go nuts !

    I must say that i end waking up with a tremendous headache :-(, but funnily smiling :D

  2. you might. learn meditation.

  3. I do this before i go to sleep and i always end up having good dreams. Ha, when i'm laying in bed i somewhat fantasize; i think of my dreams. Like for you fantasize somone you like or whatever. It works for me. It's worth a try. (:

  4. Research LUCID DREAMS.

  5. with regards to controling dreams, you only recieve them if somewhere in the back of you head you are thinking about it. or something of that sort... think happy things and you will see a happy dream of what you may wish to see

    i think that works

    have fun in your dreams

  6. Not that I know of, when I want to to dream about someone i think about them at night before i go to sleep and I do dream of them for a short time b4 it changes into a weird dream like being chase by gummy bears =S hahah

  7. well belive me usually the thing that made the biggest impact on your day youll for sure dream about that night and for me its usually and sometimes the thing i last thought about before sleeping like 1 hour before but thats just me

    haha boys dream about girls everynight ahah XD

    my bf says im in his dream everynight since we met haha XD

  8. yes. It is called "lucid dreaming", where you are perfectly aware that you are dreaming, and can with a bit of practice control everything that goes on.  You can Google it - just put quotation marks around it so the search engine treats it as a phrase and not just unconnected words.  Lucid dreaming is very difficult to learn, but many people have done it, and there are machines which make sounds that help you control your brain waves and achieve a lucid dreamstate more easily.  If you wish to give the whole thing a shot, go for it: if you master it, the entertainment value could be awesome!!!

  9. There's a way to dream about being in a movie you like. I've tried it and it works. I figured out how to do it by accidentally falling asleep watching movies late at night. I've noticed that when you fall asleep listening to something, you subconsiously hear it while you sleep. So when you're really tired, and I mean REALLY tired, put on a movie at a reasonable volume and try and go to sleep. When you start to dream, you'll hear the movie in the background and your mind will put you in the scene of the movie playing. Just try it, it's cool.

  10. I seriously doubt it. But you can try by falling asleep watching it.

  11. yea, its called dream pre-programming

    Dream pre-programming is a hypnotic practice used among some medical and stage hypnotists. It allows the hypnotist to control (or let the patient control) their own dreams. One way that a hypnotist will use this is by telling the person that when they fall asleep that they see a button. And that if they want to enter "DreamScape" that they should press that button. Then they will enter a world just like Earth, but they will have complete control. They will control things with their mind. Dream pre-programming can also help someone for a test or a big event in life. The hypnotist would make the subject dream that event as going perfect, so the subject will get a level of confidence.

  12. they say that the last thing u think about before falling asleep comes in ur dreams...........

    to control ur dream u gotta think of the thing that u want to see etc and see ur dream change that's what i do

    so go ahead and try it! it works for me......

  13. Actually, there is! It was on the discovery channel of "The Human Body: Pushing the Limits." I forget most of it, but there is a way to train your brain so you can controll what goes on in your dreams. It takes a total of 6 years (3 hours a day) and even that might not promise success, but it's all true.

    You can't controll where your dream starts out, but you can control what happens in your dream.

    Let's say you were swimming next to sharks in a nightmare or something. Well, you could easily make it so your wearing armor or something.

    Believe it or not, it's all true.

  14. once my therapist told me that if i go to bed thinking about one thing, then there's a greater chance of dreaming about it.  however it hasnt worked as far as i can tell

  15. at least you can try,and you will see if you're able to control it.


  17. You could try watching the movie right before you go to bed. You  could also try to overload your brain with characters and items that relate to that movie during your day.

  18. I can't control what I dream about but sometimes I can control what is happening in them. Also, I can consciously realize I'm dreaming and remind myself that I'm only dreaming and that no matter what happens, nothing can hurt me. I can also wake myself up when things get to scary sometimes.

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