
Is there any way to earn 600$-800$ a week without college degree ?

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Is there any way to earn 600$-800$ a week without college degree ?




  1. Dericks is incorrect.  There are people who post things on yahoo that do make an incredible amount of money.  Why do you think they are able to be top contributors on here in a short amount of time that they've been on YA.  Because they have the time to sit on YA and answer questions all day long, because they have solid income coming in.  If they didn't, they would be out there working some place and not be able to sit here all day long.

    From my experience, the courses in college do not set you up for usually what your obtaining your degrees in.  They give you the fundamental basics.  They don't guarantee you a job, that is a whole different ball park.  I know people who make way more than what your asking, as well as way less a week.  Both groups went to college and some didn't.  So it doesn't matter if you do or don't, there are opportunities out there in which you can make what you want, but you will have to work at it.  One way is to start a home based business.  They give you the "opportunity" to make what you want, but like I said, you have to work at it.  Build the business.  $800 a week, is pretty low amount for a business.  That's what you could be making in your first few months of business per week.  You'd want your goal to be per day at the minimum of $800.  There are a lot of business opportunities out there.

  2. Try SFI, It's absolutely free to join.

    I've been with SFI for a while now, after I got my first check I was shocked, I didn't have to pay a cent out of pocket. I just signed up and the rest was history. Legitimate companies do exist you just have to know where to look.

    Check em' Out:

  3. I might suggest learning a trade. Electricians, plumbers, installers, repair people all make decent wages. Pick an industry you are interested in

    and move up from there.  

  4. Post Office. UPS. FedEx. Waitress/Waiter. Construction Worker. Residential Housekeeper. Sales. Start your own business.

    And that's just for starters. You can achieve anything you set your mind to in life.  

  5. yes, I earn $2000.00 and don't have one...

  6. Well I guess you got the answer to your question. I have 3 college degrees and not one of them helped me to become successful. In fact the schooling process delayed my success. I was able to retire at a very early age due to the success of a business I started from home. My time is now devoted to my wife, our children and helping as many people I can achieve the same success I was so fortunate to have achieved. I am always available to answer your questions and help in anyway I can.

  7. YES there is BUT not these  posts YOU see !

    but none of those posts you see above  or below me  

  8. I make $1000.00 a day in my business in season. Off season I make $2000.00 a week. No college just High school

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