
Is there any way to expedite the French student visa process? Campus France?

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I had some problems and sent Campus France the application fee on the 11th. I am worried that I will not be able to get the Visa done on time. In a best case scenario, I will have the CampusFrance confirmation email in two weeks and apply for my Visa right away, leaving a week for my Visa and fly out right away. I know that CampusFrance is experiencing delays however, and I’m already on a very tight schedule. Would I be able to expedite the process despite not waiting the full two weeks? Or expedite the student visa (3-6 months, long stay)? My flight is scheduled on the 2nd January, and there is no flight date change allowed with my British Airways ticket.




  1. Do you know how long it will take for your Visa to be issued? I also experienced problems with Campus France when I tried to get my visa the first time around. They took longer to get back to me than my Visa took to arrive. As far as I know, because I tried to find out, there's no way to expedite a Visa process. But there are some French Consulates that issue your Visa the same day you apply for it, as long as you go earlier in the day. Mine doesn't, but I know of many that do. I've also spoken to many people who secured their Visas at these types of Consulates. Check with yours to find out how if this is the case.

  2. I don't have the answer to your question but:

    1) have you tried calling Campus France on the phone to ask them this question. Their phone number is on their website:

    2) I haven't flown British Airways in years but when I book an Air France flight, there is always the possibility to change the flight date for a $200 fee even on the cheapest fare flights which have the most restrictions. Have you called British Airways to ask if it would be possible? Are you sure sure you cannot change the date at all? Paying a $200 fee would still be better than losing the ticket in full.

    Sorry I can't help more. Good luck!

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