
Is there any way to flip a video?

by  |  earlier

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I took a couple videos while I was on Mackinac Island. I was riding my bike down some really steep hills and the scenery was beautiful. But I was holding my camera sideways, so now when I play the video, its sideways.

Is there any way to flip the video so its right-side up? Like you would for a picture?




  1. Check the settings.

  2. It is quite possible to rotate your video - there are several different approaches that can be used. Unfortunately they require some technical "whoosa-whoosha" to get there, But the tools to do it are available and some are free.

    First questions would be -

    What is the make and model of the camera?

    Is the camera digital or analog?

    If it's a DV (Digital Video) camera, what format is the video in now? (ie. what is the extension of the file it is saved as?)

    You can Google "rotating a video frame"  for some idea of the scope of this effort.  discusses one approach...

    Still want to rotate the video ???  8^)

  3. You can use premier or Windows Movie Maker.

    I think MAC/APPLE  has something also, but I'm not sure.

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