
Is there any way to follow a case that has been in the media once they disappear from the papers?

by  |  earlier

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would really love to find out the sentence of the people who killed the guy in Sainsburys.




  1. Yes.  Trials are open to the public and so are the judgements/sentencing remarks.  Where to access them depends on what jurisdiction you live in  These days judgements of cases (even those that have not been reported in official case reports) can usually be accessed over the internet.  In a criminal trial at first instance there is obviously no judgement, but you should be able to find sentencing remarks from the judge which explain the sentence imposed.  If it goes on appeal there should be a full and detailed judgement.  The best place to access depends on where you live, some case citators etc require subscription such as westlaw and lexis, but there are also some really good free resources.  Sometimes judgements are even provided on the court website, so this might be a good place to check first.

  2. I'm sure you will hear WHEN they are tried!

  3. I think only in High Court or higher matters and only if the judge rules that the decision can be published. In that case you can trace it up in the Law reports as long as you know the citation i.e name of parties, court, year etc.

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