
Is there any way to get high off of things that dont hurt you or non-toxic things?

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i would never ever do drugs or abuse meds to get buzzs but i just wonder if there is a way to get high without doing things that will hurt you or get you sick




  1. Not really, because the very action of getting high will eventually harm you. The reason is that these chemicals abuse the "good-feeling" neuro-pathways in your brain. This alters the structure of your brain make it sucsepable to deterioration, cancer and other deseases. Also we have to realize that the human body is a vast chemical enviroment with a lot of sidereactions that take place. No one know what wired harmful side reactions take palce to create harmful destructive chemcials that your body has no way to adapt to.

    In the end the body is a fragile thing - and everytime of getting high is a bit like playing russian roulette with chemicals forming really bad side products, especially with pharmaceutical chemical which are not natural and can bypass natural defense in a heartbeat. Sometime you escape and live - sometime you don't and die. Most people don't understand this.

    Natural high occur when you eat sweets, do exercise, pee, defacate, o****m, relax and work by using a dopamine neurotransmitter pathway.

    hope that helps  

  2. syrup.....or wut we call texas oil....its sum kind of medicine that u mix with spryte..........

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