
Is there any way to get him to shave it?!?

by  |  earlier

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ugh. my brother is 15 and has like a moustache. its really ugly, and for some odd reason i wanna help him, so i told him to shave it, but he wont!

he really doesnt look good with it. ive told him to shave it, my mom has told him, my dad has told him, and even our 21 year old brother!

is there any way i can make him shave it? ive even gotten my neighbor who he likes to tell him to shave it, but he wont!




  1. shave him at night when he's sleeping. shave only half, and then when he wakes up in the morning he can compare, and he will have to shave anyway, unless he's weird enough to walk around with half-mouctache.

    or start being evil and call him 'Bob Mustachio'. He will get in final get how weird does it look :p

  2. omg shave it while he is asleep and hope he doesnt move or wake up -lol-

  3. you should do it when he's sleeping,he will thank you later


  4. ughhh i know what your on about my brother has a mustache and it looks disgusting, but to be honest if you hate it that much, just dont look at him! just keep telling him and say to him i head a really pretty girl talking bout your mustache and she sed that she hated it, and just point to like the hottest girl in school and say tht one.

    but just dont look at him thats what i do with my brother

    =) good luck lol

  5. no not really , i shave because it makes me feel cleaner and better than when i dont shave just ask him y he doesnt shave and then tell him it would make me feel better if u did shave more often

  6. What's the big deal? It's only OPINION that he doesn't look good with it; if his friends, or a girl he likes, says it looks good on him, guess what? He will believe *them*! He may not like how you wear your hair or makeup, but he may be polite enough not to say anything. :)

    (By the way, it's pretty weird that you feel so strongly about this... Seriously.)

  7. while he's slepping put ear plugs in his ears and shave the ssucker off!!!

  8. Pay a hot girl to make fun of it

  9. maybe its a maturity issue? a lot of young guys feel great when they start growing facial hair, makes them feel grown up. best thing you can do i think, is take a few photos (so he'll look back and give you that satisfaction of you saying 'i told you so') and stop hassling him about it because lets face it, although he may be little mr mature now, he's still just 15, a rebellious age, so the more you and other family push him to get rid of it, the fluffier he will become!!!!

  10. when he is sleeping shave it............

  11. I have the same problem with my brother. He's 15. Just let it be, my bro has had this little furry thing on his lip since he was 13. Its disgusting, just deal with it. What can you do?

  12. tell him if he wants his girfreind to feel like she is kissing a cat then leave the moustache on .. if that doesnt help shave it in his sleep lol

  13. lol its his life

  14. lol i would say let him do w.ev he ants its his decision...but thats gross if he has a girlfriend && amustache i MADE my boyfriend take his off its jsut gross && creepy your right.

    shave it ni his sleep or something or be liek let me give you a head massage then WAM! wax it off lol

    ( did that to my older bro)

    anyways good luck :D

    hope i helped

  15. Stop shaving your legs until he changes his mind =]

    EDIT-oops sorry i thought it was your boyfriend..

  16. Just let him have the mustache!  It's his life and his decision, not anyone else's.  Try to accept it.  He likes it, but is being put down by everyone else and is being told that he looks ugly with it.  Stop putting him down like that!  Maybe (and did you ever think about this) it gives him self confidence.  Do you really want to ruin his self-confidence?!  My guess is I don't think you do.

  17. i bet he thinks that it makes him look older

  18. shave it when he's sleeping..(:  No! even better, wax it, so it'll only take one quick motion, and then you can run for it!  And, that way it'll take longer to grow back!(:  At least...that's what I'd do(:

  19. Leave him alone.  He'll shave it when he's ready.  right now, he's enjoying it, he feels like a "stud" and a bit of a rebel.  One day, he'll actually take a look in the mirror and say, "Yech" and shave it when you least expect it -- or his girlfriend will suddenly say, "Hey, you look like a dork with that fuzz on your lip" and he'll shave it so fast it will make your head spin.

    It's no biggie -- this is certainly not a hill that anyone wants to die on.

    There's a line from "Airplane!" that comes to mind in situations like this:  "Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help. . ." :-)

  20. try to set him up with a pretty girl and when he is shot down, explain to him that the mustache is to blame

  21. Nahh there isn't. I've tried to get my uncle shave his hairy knuckles because they're EXTREMELY distracting and disgusting.

    He won't listen. =\

    but i guess when he grows older, it might be a little easier to persuade, to get a girlfriend nd everything...

  22. its peach fuzz isnt it, yea i thought i looked good in it 2 years ago, i regret not shaving it, i say, pay him 50 dollars to shave it

  23. It's his face and his decision.  You gave your opinion, now let him make the decision.

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