
Is there any way to get into cuba on an airplane?

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Is cuba shut off to all countries?




  1. Of course. The problem is to get out

  2. It's really easy to go from Cancun, Mexico. Flights are every day (maybe more). US citizens aren't allowed to go (according to their government) but Cuba doesn't mind you visiting.

    There is also no problem getting out of Cuba.  

  3. To all countries?  Nope just the United States...

    You can try to make plane connections from Canada, the Bahamas (still I believe?)  Mexico, Jamaica, etc.  Make sure you tell the Cuban gov't that you DON'T want your passport stamped though or when you get back in the states the U.S. Government will clamp down on you.

  4. There are daily flights from Spain, Canada, Panama, Mexico.

    Regular flights from Jamaica, Netherlands, UK.

    ( has a pretty comprehensive list of scheduled flights).

    From the US there are actually several charter flights a day, and it seems pretty easy to get in under a licence, if you know the right contacts.

  5. Yes, anyone can get on a plane and travel to Cuba. Even those from the US can travel directly to Cuba (although a special travel license must be obtained first..but only this pertains to the US).

  6. No, the US is the only country that doesn't allow its citizens to fly directly from the mainland.  It is also against the law for US citizens to spend money there.  

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