
Is there any way to get out of jury duty, I absolutely cannot afford to miss work for several days?

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Is there any way to get out of jury duty, I absolutely cannot afford to miss work for several days?




  1. I pulled jury duty years ago.  In one month, I went in a total of maybe 5 or 6 times in the month.  They can't legally fire you when you're on jury duty.  If they do, you can take them to court and get back everything you missed out on and your job back.  I was fired but I didn't want to go back to work in the place I was working at the time so I didn't force my hand.

    Jury duty is a learning experience and it shouldn't be taken so lightly.  I got a kick out of it and my being there did make a difference.  You might want to rethink your situation before you try to get out of it.

  2. First of all, check with your HR department to find out their policy on jury duty. Many companies will pay full wages while employees serve on jury duty.

    If not, send a letter or call the agency that sent you the notice and explain your plight. I've been released for financial considerations before. Hopefully the same will be true for you.

    Good luck!

  3. Tell them you believe in the Death Penalty...even for drunk driving.  You'll be outta there in a new york minute.

  4. yes just show up wearing a Hitler T-shirt

  5. you can call and change the date, and then maybe do it when you can miss, plus even though it's a small amount they give you some money for serving.

  6. Here is how I did it, and it only cost me one day.  Unless you have strongly extenuating circumstances, they will not let you out of reporting.

    When we were called into the selection, we were asked if we would vote to convict someone of a law we disagreed with.  I told the truth.  I could never convict anyone of a law I felt was unjust.  I was dismissed.

    - The case involved a young latino male who was charged for being in the company of suspected gangmembers.  None of them had actualy been convicted of any specific crime.  The city they lived in had a particulary redneck city counclil that had passed an injunction against young latino males congregating in groups of three or more in a certain part of the city.

  7. tell them that you cannot miss work during the scheduled time. if you have to go, talk to your boss about it. I remember some law protecting people from being fired for missing work due to serving in the military or jury duty.

    finally, if you have to go, try to be the worst possible jury member possible. if you refuse to convict people because you don't like the law, and many other things.

  8. You have to go unless you are not of sound mind, taking care of a child under ten or the sole caretaker of an invalid, or under indictment.

    Besides they pay you about $5.00 a day for your services.

  9. I was chosen 3 times in a 2 month period. My job paid me for all the time i missed. Check the work policies, and make sure they know that they can get in trouble if they count it against you since it is your civil responsibility to serve on the jury. Not all jobs will pay you for your time, i live in MN, i think that most jobs around here cover it.

  10. Yes, if you are really sick, but they will check on you.

  11. If your work doesn't pay for it. get a letter, show financial hardship if you lose out work days.

  12. lie like a rug tell em ur job is to valuable and ur needed(have boss write a letter too...however i was on duty and it kept going on and on and one guy said i cant miss work(construction) and didnt show up and judge immediately said court order on him now) so may be lesser of two evils to go they may not even choose ya so just show up

  13. For emergencies they'll work around your availability.  Call the court house (you should have liaison person listed on your summons).  Tell them you won't be available on the dates provided, then give a date (a month later, maybe) when you will.

  14. financial hardship will get a reprieve the first time

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