
Is there any way to get out of recruitment orders?

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My soldier came down with DOD recruitement orders for 3 years. He is 36 and feels it will ruin the rest of his career. He would rather do 3 years in combat. Is there any way to get out of it? Get the orders changed?




  1. Nope, he's been scooped!  There are 2 units that have more power than USAREC, those being SOCOM, and JSOC.  Unless your Soldier has completed SFAS and has Q-course orders, is in Ranger Regiment, or is currently wearing a Green Beret he's going to go to the ARC. (Army Recruiters Course).  Like one or two of the others here have posted, he may sign a Declination Statement that will essentially end his career.  Tell him that if he loves the Army and wants this as his career to go do his 3 years in the pit of h**l and return to his MOS to finish his career.  I've had Soldiers in the same situation that have tried it all to get out of it from filing for divorce to stopping payments on things in an attempt to ruin their credit.  USAREC is indeed a force to be feared as they will get you if they want you.  His options are do it and come back to his MOS or decline the orders and essentially end his current career.  Sorry there's not better news for him.  Good Luck!!

  2. Good luck...Not likely to happen.  Remember recruiting duty can be good or bad depending on where you are recruiting.  If there are people coming in then life is good.  If not, then life is bad.  

    Also I don't recruit for the Army, but two of my closest friends are Army recruiters.  They both tell me that the Army will not count any performance reports received on recruiting duty towards the rest of his career.  

  3. There are usually options but recruitment duty is sort of sanctified and he might hurt himself worse than he thinks this will hurt him by fighting the system.

  4. He can turn down the orders, but this will bar him from re-enlistment and will probably result in him getting kicked out.

  5. To refuse these orders will end his career. He will be barred from re enlistment if he declines the assignment. It ended my career at 12 years, as I turned my recruiter badge after 18 months.

    Good luck............

  6. JAG.

  7. He can either sign a DEX statement or he can fail the screening test.  Before you can be a recruiter you have to do an interview with your Battalion Commander and you have to get screened by mental health.  He should tell the commander straight up that he doesn't want to be a recruiter.  If he asks why he can either tell him the truth or start acting panicky.  For the mental eval, if he has a history, he is half way there...but if he really wants to get out of it, when they start questioning him, he should burst out in tears or if you have some type of physical tick, like stuttering, a twitching eye or mouth, things like that, they won't let you be a recruiter.

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