
Is there any way to get over a death faster?

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i've been crying for days and i still can't seem to stop.




  1. my only advise not knowing the relation to you is to occupy yourself. sitting at home leaving yourself the opportunity to do nothing but cry and "feel" all day is going to make the timing draw out and more extreme. it's needed sometimes, it's definately ok, but if you want to be able to move on make a dinner date with a best friend or family member someone who you can be yourself happy or sad with. maybe a funny movie but something outside the house to get out and breath some fresh air to occupy your time and get you out of your sulk even if just for a few hours

  2. Everybody reacts to death in different ways. Time is really the only cure and then, if you really loved that person, you will never really "get over it". Time makes things easier to deal with.

  3. Write a letter to the person who passed away. Tell them how much you miss them, how much they impacted your life, and how much they meant to you during their life. Write anything and everything you want, and take as long as you want. Do it any way you please, but sometimes writing it on paper makes it more real than typing it.

    Once you are done, decide what will bring you the most closure. Maybe you want to burn the letter, or put it in a bottle and throw it into the ocean. Tie it to a helium balloon and let it drift away. Or seal it inside an envelope and put it somewhere safe.

    Remember that while the person is gone, they will always live on in your heart and in the hearts of everyone whose lives they touched.

    I hope this helps.

  4. No. But each day will get a little better

  5. If you can think that the person is in a better place, it helps but death is hard and we all deal with it differently.

  6. If you find a way please let me know. My daughter died a year ago and I cry every day. my bf daughter was murdered 32 years ago sometimes she will still have a day where she crys alot. I think its what might have been that hurts the most. time does not hael all wounds, but with time we adjust. The best thing to take away from the hurt is that regrets hurt the most. If you love someone let them know it every day. Try not to let anything positive go un-said. And if you believe that CHRIST died for you...then you believe we will be together again. please stay strong.

  7. Unfortunately only you can decide that. You need time to process the death and sort out how you really feel about the situation. After you have done this you can make a conscious decision to move on (not forget about the person) and live your life.

    I've lost both of my parents and a brother and I still grieve for them every day. However, I have come to the realization that none of them would want me to live my life in misery. Every morning when I get out of bed I CHOSE to have a good day and to live my life in a way that they would be proud of. I feel like I am honoring their memory more this way than by moping around for the rest of my life.

    I think Coldplay puts it best: "Those who are dead are not dead, they're just living in my head."

  8. if your healthy you will live 80+ years

  9. This seems harsh but the only way(that i've found) to get over it sooner is to let it go. I know that it may seem quick and hard to do but they are gone. They moved on, and yes ofcourse you need to grieve. But when that time comes to an end, take comfort in knowing that they are happy now. And will be waiting for you when it's your time.

  10. No, unfortunately there is not.  Time heals all wounds.  I know the feeling.  Just remember that "With every beginning there comes an end, and with every end there comes a new beginning."  There are different stages you will go through.  Each stage will be better than the other.  Talking is the best therapy.  Draw close to your loved one's and friends.  No storm lasts forever.  Look for the rainbow that will follow.

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