
Is there any way to get publicity for a blog, without having to pay for ad space?

by  |  earlier

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I've had a blog with my friend for over a year now, and no matter what we do, we can't seem to get noticed. Are there any ways to grab attention without spending a lot of money?




  1. One of the best ways to get attention to your blog is by commenting on other "likeminded" blogs.  The blogoshpere is really just a big community, and people get to know each other kind of like in a neighborhood, where you introduce yourself with a cup of coffee, or something.  The more visits and comments you make on other blogs, the more noticed you get!  And then you start making your way onto people's blogrolls, and it sorta spirals from there!  But no one will stick around unless you have good quality content to be sure your writing is up to par.  There is an online class on learning to write a blog that others will want to visit, and I took the class just before I started my blog.  It has great advice on building a blog and growing your audience.  Check the link below if you want to find out more...good luck in getting noticed!!

  2. Ok, It seems that you are missing something in your marketing campaign.

    Do following

    1) define time limit and your targetted traffic

    2) define your target market

    3) find forums/blogs in your target market

    4) start participating in forums and commenting in blogs

    5) you will soon be get noticed by people there

    6) do it with a consistent pace and you will get a reasonable traffic in no time

    usually it gets 2-3 months to achieve your targets.

  3. Hereunder some tips for you for the publicity of your blog.


        In title of your blog try to sellect words which poeple frequently use in their search queries like  this blog's title is vitiligo because it is a generic keyword in health and skin diesease catagory.


       Use Generic keyword in the URL of your blog like

       in these blogs the key word vitiligo is used.


                 your content should be clean and easy to understand, insert images if required. If you took data from any other source change the wording from the original source.

    for example the source of the above blog is   but the outher of the blog  change the wording.

    Social sites:

    Introduce your blog at the social site, like social book marking sites.

    Yahoo Answers:

    Search yahoo answer relating the content of your blog and give answer whoes source info is your blog.


    Give serious comment and in URL field give the url of your blog.

  4. You can try to write articles related with your website and submit it to article directories.

    Or you can get someone to write articles for you and submit it to article directories. We can do that for you for as low as $10 for 500 words article.

    You can also try to get traffic by getting a press release distribution service for instant and targeted traffic.

  5. Hi there, i write alot or articles about organic seach engine traffic which is all about getting your blog or website noticed for free, i would be happy to give you some tips.

    The best traffic is free traffic especialy if you are starting out and dont want to spend any money.  You want your blog to score high for certain keywords so that when an internet searcher uses google for example to search for the keywords, yours shows in the top 10 results.

    To do this you have to think like a search engine, you can read indepth in my blogs but just to give a brief example it is content,layout and back links that are the most important things to look at.

    Your content needs to be updated often and your content should have arround 5% of keyword density. Too much will get you penalized and too little will make search engine crawlers miss you.

    Layout, web crawlers scan your site to see what keywords it should rank your blog high for, so give them what they want, make your keywords stand out, use titles and bold font but remember not to over do it.  Crawlers cant read pics so if you have to use pics and java script etc put it in the right column as crawlers read this last.

    Back links, if you can get good quality back links you will get your blog noticed quickly.  Use article directories, free classifieds and ofcourse forums.  Make sure your links are relevent though, dont post on a cat site if your blog is about cars.

    I could site here and write all day but i got to shut up some time, hope these few tips help.

  6. I use this site to make money online. It really works and you don't need any money to start.

    Just check it out.

    I also use this site which is just like myspace but they pay you to use it.

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