
Is there any way to get rid of the funky smell in used mayonase jars?

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I'm trying to reuse these mayo jars, and unfortunately they are plastic. Does anyone know how to get the wierd smell out of them? I've washed them out and even run them through the dishwasher. Still, funky smell lingers on. I'd like to be able to use them to store things in, but I guess worse comes to worse they will become flowerpots.




  1. Put  a couple cap fulls of bleach and fill the rest with water. Soak for for a few hours and wash.

  2. vinegar and baking soda

  3. Add some vinegar and lime juice to the water that you wash the myonaisse jar with .

  4. now you have many ways to clean these jars out but this is what i strongly suggest first mix vinegar and your favorite spray scent examples lemon febreeze, axe, and many others this will work because the vinegar it is an acid and get rid of the smell while your favorite scent takes the place of the funky spray and it will be very soft and gentle now overpowering and after you rinse it it is safe to reuse

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