
Is there any way to get seriously injured while paintballing?

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im just scarred im gonna get shot in the head and blackout or something lol




  1. other than a few welps and bruises theres nothing to really worry about unless they freeze their paintballs, which if you go somewhere to play they won't allow it simply because you have to use their paintballs.

  2. It would be highly unlikely to get knocked out by being shot in the head. Only time I was shot on the top of the head it richocheted off my head and didn't hurt bad. Getting shot in the fingers of inner thigh in a soft spot hurts and you will get whelps and bruises but rarely do you bleed.

    Only thing is don't be scared and man up because if you are scared you won't have fun doing it and you probabaly won't do very well.

  3. Of course, you could shoot your eye out (or have someone do it for you) if you don't use safety glasses.  You could break and arm or legs jumping here to there.  Foot, hand, fingers, toes all could be broken also.  Could always get stabbed with wire or broken limb.  Tetanus shot up to date?

  4. no unless you dont wear a mask

  5. If you use safety gear properly, the injury you will likely have is light brusing from being hit by paintballs.

    I suppose a very unlikely scenario, depending upon how and where you play, you could trip and fall causing either more bruising or pulling a muscle.

    Anything worse, you would have to be doing something risky and dumb to get a more severe injury.

  6. cup..wear a cup

  7. Multiple cranial injections at close range. Eyes, nose, mouth and in the ears. You might get hurt.

  8. Sure, just catch one in an unprotected eye.


  9. Wear a padded helmet

    Probably wouldn't knock you out anyway but I hate getting hit in the head by anything

    Other than that I would say the only other injury would be from trip and fall hazards

  10. I think it would only hurt if you got hit in the head, eyes or balls. So wear protective gear.

  11. If you are wearing goggles, you won't get hurt bad enough to cause permanent damage.  As Andy mentioned, you can get injuries due to running and jumping in the woods (that is probably your biggest chance of getting hurt).

    In my early days of paintballing, I wore googles only (rather than the full face mask).  I took a few shots to the face and one to the ear.  They stung like a MF, but the pain went away in time.  I've also taken a few shots to the jewels.  Groin shots will definately get your attention, but once again, with loose clothing, it doesn't hurt too bad.

    A paintball isn't going to knock you out.  I've always told people that the pain on bare skin feels like getting hit with a racquetball.  It stings for a few minutes, but the pain goes away pretty quickly.  You can and will get brusied during paintball, so I don't recommend doing it if you have important pictures within a week or 10 days (like for a wedding).

    If you go, the biggest recommendation is getting or renting a full face mask.  I think these are pretty much mandatory now a days, but the extra shielding will protect you from some pretty painful face shots.  My next recommendation is to wear loose fitting clothing made of a sturdy material.  I usually wear a pair of camoflage coveralls that I used to use for bow hunting that were made of some sort of canvas like material (on a hot day, I'd wear those with a pair of shorts and a tank top underneath).  Denium is great for paintballing as well if you have a color that won't stand out too bad.

    My final recommendation is gloves.  Gloves are a life savor.  When you are crawling on the ground, you never realize how many thorns and prickers you pick up.  Gloves protect your hands from vegatation as well as any paintballs to your hands (shots to the hands hurt as there is a lot of bone and not much fat in your hands).

    Just relax and have fun.  Paintballing is great exercise and one heck of a fun sport.  It can get expensive.  I usually go through a 1/2 case in an 8 hour day.  I'd make sure to bring enough cash to buy extra ammo.

  12. You definately won't get knocked out, it just hurts a bunch. Other than that, you could only get hurt if you take one to the throat or something else very soft and squishy.

  13. You can get an eye put out.

  14. thats what helmets are for...dont be a baby its only a paint ball.

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