
Is there any way to get sperm from a guy without having to get a vasectomy reversal?

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is there any way to get sperm from a guy without having to get a vasectomy reversal?




  1. Adopting is cheaper and really a wonderful thing to do for a child that needs a family.

  2. Skeet skeet

  3. no. the vesectomy cut off the sperm so its not in his s***n

  4. Nope once your cut your cut. youll need to reverse it.


  5. they have a FNA procedure i do believe.  they use a needle to extract sperm, but the sucess rates are low.  the extraction often damages them and it is expensive.  most insurance plans pay to have it done, but fertility procedures are considered elective and they wont pay for this type of thing.  his doctor would have warned him about all of this when he had it done.

  6. Give him an o****m....Simple, fast, pleasurable

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