
Is there any way to get titles for free, like lord, baron etc?

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Is there any way to get titles for free, like lord, baron etc?




  1. Titles aren't free unless a legitimate sovereign deems you worthy enough to be ennobled. If you then want to buy one..., legitimate titles cannot be bought or sold. There are lordships of the manor for sale in Scotland but that is only as good as being able to call yourself king of your own castle, in my opinion.

    Any website which claims to be able to sell you a legitimate noble or royal title is a fraud.

  2. no i think you need to pay for can buy a tiny bit of land and be lord of that land...something like that!

  3. I'm sure you can fins a web site that will sell you a title for a fee. But buyer beware. Natons such as England  for example, prosecute  royal pretenders with the fullest extent of the law.

  4. try , ,,  good web site !

  5. What for? It's pointless. Are you trying to inflate your ego?

  6. Do something extremely well,like run a charity,win Olympic medals,be an extremely successful business man(like Richard Branson).

    To be nominated for knighthoods one must have:

    made a difference to their community or field of work

    brought distinction to British life and enhanced its reputation

    exemplified the best sustained and selfless voluntary service

    demonstrated innovation and entrepreneurship

    carried the respect of their peers

    changed things, with an emphasis on achievement

    improved the lot of those less able to help themselves

    displayed moral courage and vision in making and delivering tough choices

    To be made a PEER of the realm is not so easy. Lawrence Olivier was made a baron;he was only one of the greatest,most highly-esteemed actors ever.To be made a peer of the realm means that you have to do something so great,that others aren't able to do.

    In days of yore,service to the monarch was mostly military;the higher the peer,the more service done for the monarch.

    RECOGNIZED titles that don't make people laugh behind your back are not bought are sold.The titles are inherited and passed down to natural-born sons.Or,if you are extremely talented and do your work very well,making the UK look good,you can be nominated for the honor.

  7. Of course not.  If they were just handed out like candy, we would all be kings.

  8. You can get them from places like firebox or iwantoneofthose. They do come at a price, but its usually pretty cheap!

    Just search for gadget websites like the ones below.

  9. That's just sad.

  10. You can give it to yourself, but it really means nothing

  11. No, you have to 'contribute' substantial sums of money to the current 'Government' party (in excess of £250,000) in return for a knighthood or 'seat' in the House of Lords.

    Go talk to Lord Levy - he's the man who was organising such things last year when 'Blair' was Prime Minister.

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